Jurlique Vitality Body Treatment
The relaxing ritual treatment offers numerous benefits, including reducing the levels of stress hormones, stimulating the production of skin-nourishing oil, and enhancing sleep quality, thereby assisting with insomnia.
What to expect during your session
After an initial chat, your therapist will use a bespoke blend of oils, & will massage these into your body to gently warm your muscles, paying special attention to any areas you’ve highlighted.
Overall, your massage should be a calming experience, and promote feelings of contentment and relaxation. Your therapist will use a variety of techniques to relax the entire body by relieving tension held within the muscles. It’s not uncommon to feel sleepy after a treatment and your therapist will leave enough time for you to bring yourself back into the moment without losing the feeling of relaxation.
Benefits of Vitality Body Treatment:
- Reduces the levels of stress hormones
- Stimulate product of skin-nourishing oil
- Enhanced sleep quality & helps insomnia
Suitable for:
- Individuals prone to stress & anxiety
- With demanding work schedules
- Individuals with insomnia