Anti-Stress Pastilles
Our Anti-Stress pastilles will help you find tranquillity, peace of mind and serenity.
These delicious pastilles, with an orange and mint flavour, will bring you calm and comfort in moments of stress or hyperactivity.They will soothe and relax you in times of pesonal or professional tensions.
Organic Bach flower essences :
Crab apple : Helps put things in perspective.
Red chestnut : Helps to bring back a calm and clear mind.
Agrimony : Helps to express your feelings more easily.
Oak : Helps to admit your own limitations and take a well-deserved break.
Impatiens : Helps regain a gentle, tolerant and forgiving attitude.
Vervain : Brings back to calm and tranquillity.
Pine : Relieves the sense of guilt and improves self-image.
Every essential oil brings a special benefit :
Red manadarin essentail oil : Calm down the excitement
Sweet orange essential oil : Brings back optimism and cheerfulness
Gum arabic, sorbitol, maltitol, orange and mint flavour, Citric acid, Bach flower essences (Crab apple, White chestnut, Agrimony, Oak, Impatiens, Vervain, Pine), sucralose, Carmine natural colouring agent, red mandarin essential oil, organic sweet orange oil, glazing agent (vegetable oil, carnauba wax)